2012-06-29 12:08:00

School referendum

Time of implementation: 18th of January 2012.

Activity contributors: Pupils council, pupils of our school.

Students of our school for the first time had the opportunity to go to a referendum and vote as adults. Students voted for or against the Croatian accession to the European Union. 

During the referendum 353 students have voted, 173 voted for and 172 against, but because 8 ballots were not valid the referendum commission decided that our school is against the accession. I only hope that those who did not want the accession are not angry because on a real referendum people voted for the Croatian accession to the European Union.

Originally written by Ema Erceg, grade 5th a, 11 years

Original article at http://maligoran.info/referendum.html

School webpage http://os-igkovacic-sb.skole.hr/?news_hk=1&news_id=206&mshow=823#mod_news

Osnovna škola "Ivan Goran Kovačić" Slavonski Brod