2012-06-29 12:12:00

Christmas Fair

Time of implementation: 16th of December 2011.

Activity contributors: grade class teachers, religion teachers, parents. 

Christmas Charity Fair held on 16th of December 2011. Students of 5th b and lower grades made clay ornaments, greeting cards, Christmas cribs, candles and other Christmas products and sold them in the courtyard of our school. Customers were mostly parents and students.

The earned money will be donated to the Red Cross, Caritas and kindergarten Golden Sequin.

Originally written by Elena Wachtler, grade 5th b, 10 years

Original article at http://maligoran.info/bozicni_sajam.html

School webpage (Invitation) http://os-igkovacic-sb.skole.hr/?news_hk=1&news_id=204&mshow=823#mod_news

School webpage (video) http://os-igkovacic-sb.skole.hr/?news_hk=1&news_id=205&mshow=823#mod_news

Osnovna škola "Ivan Goran Kovačić" Slavonski Brod