2012-06-29 12:17:00

Catherine Fair

Time of implementation: 24th of November 2011.

Activity contributors: Rozalija Baričević i Ina Babić.

On November the 24th, 2011 students of our school, together with two teachers, Ina Babić and Rozalia Baričević, presented the entrepreneurial learning project on Catherine Fair.

Their goal was to show how students in elementary school can develop enterprise and entrepreneurial spirit. Students were conducting a survey among the citizens, tried to get their thoughts on the economic situation in the country and advices about teaching young people to be entrepreneurial.

Originally written by Ena Letica, grade 8th c, 14 years

Original article at http://maligoran.info/katarinski_sajam.html

School webpage http://os-igkovacic-sb.skole.hr/?news_hk=1&news_id=201&mshow=823#mod_news

Osnovna škola "Ivan Goran Kovačić" Slavonski Brod