2012-06-29 12:43:00

Days of Bread in the Classroom

Time of implementation: 17th of October 2011.

Activity contributors: grade class teachers.

For the celebration of Days of Bread, which we celebrated in October, we made the bread in the classroom. We brought flour, salt and yeast, and some brought aprons. First we put the yeast to rise. When the yeast was up, we began to knead the dough and put it to rise. After half an hour, when the dough has risen, we kneaded and shaped it into bread and cookies. We took it to the kitchen and gave it to the cook to bake it.

After one hour the bread was baked. Cook brought it, teacher cut it and we tried it. It was very tasty. The headmaster, psychologist and few teachers who came to visits, tried it too. They said it was excellent and it's true. It was our best day of bread so far.

Originally written by Ana Berezovski, grade 4th b, 10 years

Original article at http://maligoran.info/dani_kruha_u_ucionici.html 

School webpage http://os-igkovacic-sb.skole.hr/?news_hk=1&news_id=196&mshow=823#mod_news 

Photos at school website http://os-igkovacic-sb.skole.hr/fotogalerija?show=album&id=61

Osnovna škola "Ivan Goran Kovačić" Slavonski Brod